The first year of Mathilda is officially in the books. Most days I feel as if I have aged three decades in that time. The New Parent Adrenaline wore off at Month Three, but I drag my dad ass out to the gym anyway most weekdays.

Mathilda, the girl of a thousand faces, 999 of which are my favorite (the crying one being subtracted). She is becoming a person very quickly and that fact becomes less terrifying every day. That doesn't mean I'm turning into a better father. This whole parent business is impossible. I fail so often every single day, that in order to survive I've learned to just yield to the whirling forward momentum. Mathilda agrees to nothing, gives no quarter, every emotion a thunderclap. Just my luck, a Kravitz. But she loves with an intensity no rational adult could muster. She makes me laugh every day. I never laughed every day before. I marvel at her curiosity, her appetite, her delights, her physical strength (if she lifted the couch to reach a blueberry underneath, I wouldn't be surprised).

No, there is no way I can do this experience justice via whisky reviews. But Diving For Pearls turned into a whisky blog years ago, so there shall be whisky. Before the possibility of Mathilda entered this reality, I earmarked a bottle for my child's first birthday. A whisky I had once tried and loved.
Or, with a Mathilda filter:
While I won't be reviewing the Glen Spey this week (mmmm, you got your rye in my single malt!), I did haul out three special samples for this week. No, these aren't Littlemills (as I did for her arrival last year), but they do all begin with the letter L. No, they're not Lismore, because I love my daughter. Nor Ladyburn, because that sounds like shaving accident in the shower. Tune in tomorrow...
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