This year of transition continues...
In a few hours, I'll be off to London. On Monday, Jason and I will fly to Amsterdam where we'll stay for 3 nights. Then we'll fly back to London for the rest my trip. I return to this country on the 21st.
I expect to be online during much of this voyage. There's a rumor that the British have access to the Internet. Frightening thought, yes, but true. This means I can drop snippets of the trip right here on this blog. Due to the chance that I may be imbibing local drinks, don't expect the best grammar.
We hope to have pictures too, but probably not too many from Amsterdam that are appropriate for American public display. It's just that I hear that their coffeeshops have really good coffee.
Also, photography is not allowed in the Red Light District -- not to be confused with the Blue Light District, which is the clearance aisle at K-Mart.
Sorry. There's a good joke to be had, but that wasn't it.
For those readers who have been to L-town and A-dam and have tips for good travel and good times, please DO share either here or in an email. Don't worry, no suggestion is too base for me, except maybe spending $25 on fish and chips.
In a few hours, I'll be off to London. On Monday, Jason and I will fly to Amsterdam where we'll stay for 3 nights. Then we'll fly back to London for the rest my trip. I return to this country on the 21st.
I expect to be online during much of this voyage. There's a rumor that the British have access to the Internet. Frightening thought, yes, but true. This means I can drop snippets of the trip right here on this blog. Due to the chance that I may be imbibing local drinks, don't expect the best grammar.
We hope to have pictures too, but probably not too many from Amsterdam that are appropriate for American public display. It's just that I hear that their coffeeshops have really good coffee.
Also, photography is not allowed in the Red Light District -- not to be confused with the Blue Light District, which is the clearance aisle at K-Mart.
Sorry. There's a good joke to be had, but that wasn't it.
For those readers who have been to L-town and A-dam and have tips for good travel and good times, please DO share either here or in an email. Don't worry, no suggestion is too base for me, except maybe spending $25 on fish and chips.