I just returned from Arizona and am now prepping to leave for New York and Ohio. I have some entries lined up, so as long as I have the interwebs I strive for blog diligence.
Whiskies - I have a tremendous Taste Off lined up while I'm in New York. A lot of the classics will be involved. If I live to tell about it, then you'll see it posted here. I also have a very exciting whisky situation that may present itself in Ohio. I dare not say anymore about it.
Once I finish some further research, I'd like to continue posting some Whiskey 101 posts. You know, some (borrowed) wit and (stolen) wisdom about the sauce.

I happily found a bottle of Black & White, an old-school dirt-under-the-fingernails whisky blend. Why so happy? Well, this is the stuff I cut my whisky teeth on when I wandered the British Isles nine years ago. When one's a broke backpacker, one drinks the whisky one gets. Black & White is what I gots. Seeing the (liter!) bottle on the shelf at Pasadena's Mission Liquor was genuinely surreal. I'm waiting to open it in 2012, after which you may see me do an about-face on highballs and whisky & ice.
Movies & Music - In doing all of these whisky posts, I haven't had a chance to finish Chapter 5 of the George Herman Hitchcock Project. Regrettably, my general film flow (terrible word choice) has been at a trickle for months.
But I've been listening to tons of new (though, actually old) music. Back in this blog's youth, there were music posts every week. I would like to do at least a couple per month.
The Condo - January will bring some new projects. I will provide before-and-after pics when it's all good.
Politics - Just saw the Kim Jong Il news. 2011 continues to be The Year It Sucks to Be A Dictator. And for that I am thankful.
I'll be back on Wednesday!